第十四屆中國國際模具技術和設備展覽會 (DMC2012)
The 14th International Exhibition on Die & Mould Technology and Equipment
展出時間:2012年5月31日-6月3日 May 31 - June 3, 2012
展覽地點:上海新國際博覽中心 Shanghai New International Expo Centre
主辦單位:中國模具工業(yè)協(xié)會 China Die & Mould Industry Association
上海市國際展覽有限公司 Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
協(xié)辦單位:中國機床總公司 China National Machine Tool Corp.
上海市模具行業(yè)協(xié)會 Shanghai Die & Mould Trade Association
支持單位:中國機械工業(yè)聯(lián)合會 China Machinery Industry Federation
中國電子信息產業(yè)集團公司 China Electronics Corp.
中國兵器裝備集團公司 China South Industries Group Corporation
中國兵器工業(yè)集團公司 China North Industries Group Corporation
中國航空工業(yè)集團公司 Aviation Industry Corporation of China
中國商飛 上海飛機制造有限公司 COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
中國塑料機械工業(yè)協(xié)會 China Plastic Processing Machine Industry Association
中國鑄造協(xié)會 China Foundry Association
中國航空航天工具協(xié)會 China Aero-space Tooling Association
中國橡膠工業(yè)協(xié)會 China Rubber Industry Association
中國汽車工業(yè)協(xié)會 China Association of Automobile Manufacturers
中國機電一體化技術應用協(xié)會 ChinaAssociation for Mechatronics Technology & Application
中國熱處理行業(yè)協(xié)會 China Heat Treatment Association
日本貿易振興機構上海辦事處 JETRO Shanghai
加工中心,數(shù)控銑床、磨床、鏜床、車床、 Machining Centre, CNC Milling Machining, Jig Grinding 鉆床等精密加工各類金切機床; Machines, Boring Machines, Drilling Machines, etc.
各類電加工機床,激光加工設備,雕刻機; EDM Machines, Laser Processing
三坐標測量機及其它測量設備等; Coordinate Measuring Systems
模具及模具制品,模具標準件; Die & Mould, Standard Die & Mould Components
壓鑄機、沖床、各類壓力機床等成形設備; Various Kinds of Presses, Punch, Die Casting Machines, etc.
塑料機械及橡膠機械; Injection Moulding Machines, Extruders,Blow Moulding
Machines, Injection & Compression Moulds, Hotrunner System
模具CAD / CAM / CAE等計算機集成制造技術;Die & Mould CAD/CAE/CAM, Computer Integrated
Manufacturing Technology, etc.
CAPP, PDM, ERP等模具生產管理技術; CAPP, PDM, ERP, etc.
模具材料、冶金制品; Cutting Tools, Spare Parts and Components,etc.
工具、刃具,以及與模具相關的其它產品。 Die & Mould Materials
各類模具生產用的輔料、輔助設備、包括拋光 Die Spotter System, Polishing System,
研磨、裝配夾具等; NC Tooling System,
Jig & Fixture, Engraving Machines, etc.
Auxilliary Equipment for Die & Mould Making Lubricant,
Remover, Rust remover,etc.
Heating & Cooling Units for Moulds & Dies
觀 眾:
The Organizers will invite about 100,000 visitors from various parts of China to visit the exhibition. They are mostly endusers, potential buyers, decision makers, engineers and technicians.
It is strongly recommended that exhibitiors give seminars on their products and technology during the exhibition.
Exhibitors will have to contribute RMB5,000-7,000 for each seminar (about 2 hours duration) towards the cost of arranging their seminars, including invitations to Chinese audience, the renting of the seminar room.
電話:電話:(86-10) 8835 6463